The Butterfly Foundation

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    About This Service

    The Butterfly Foundation represents all people affected by eating disorders and negative body image – a person with the illness, their family and their friends.

    As a leading national voice in supporting their needs, Butterfly highlights the realities of seeking treatment for recovery, and advocates for improved services from both government and independent sources.

    Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders with significantly distorted eating behaviours and high risk of physical as well as psychological harm. Left unaddressed, the medical, psychological and social consequences can be serious and long term. Once entrenched eating disorders can impact on every aspect of an individual’s life and for many, can be life threatening.

    Butterfly operates a National Eating Disorders Support Helpline that includes support over the phone, via email and online. The Helpline is staffed by trained counsellors experienced in assisting with eating disorders. It also provides a wide range of programs for service providers and recovery groups.

      • Service Provider

        Private Provider

      • Service Name

        The Butterfly Foundation

      • Service Address

        1430 Malvern Road, Glen Iris 3146

      • Phone

        1800 334 673

      • Fax


      • Email


      • Service Area

        Australia Wide

      • Service Hours

        See Website

      • Age Group


      • Interpreters

      • Website

      • Service For

        People suffering from eating disorders or would like more information.

      • Languages (other than English)

      • Disability Access

      • Drop In Service


      • Outreach


      • Outpost


      • Costs

      • Public Transport Information

    More information for service providers

      • Participation Length


      • Participation Type


      • Secondary Consult


      • Who Can Refer

        See Website

  2. The Butterfly Foundation